Character Creation

Choose a Class

There are three options: Fighter, Cleric, or Mage.

You have 1 Hit-Die, a backpack, and 3d6×10 Silver Pieces.

When you've chosen your class, roll for your Hit-Points as described.


All characters have three saves: Physique, Dodging, and Warding.

Each save has its own Target Number, rolled against when you need to avoid certain effects.

The Dodging save is unique in that you roll against your own TN, based upon the armor you're wearing.

Save Target Number Example Use
Physique 8 Withstanding a snake's venom.
Dodging You Avoiding a dragon's fire breath.
Warding 10 Resisting magical effects.


You may wear any armor and wield any weapon.

You may take a +1 bonus to either your Physique or Dodging saves.

When you roll to determine Hit-Points, roll 2d6 and take the higher result.


You may wear any armour but may only wield blunt weapons (e.g. mace, morning star).

You may take a +1 bonus to either your Physique or Warding saves.

When you roll to determine Hit-Points, roll 1d6 and take the result.

You begin with the ability to Turn Undead.

Turn Undead

Roll 2d6 equal to or greater than TN of 8 + Undead HD - Your HD

On success, 2d6 undead creatures within 12" flee in terror.


You may wear any armor and wield any weapon.

You may take a +2 bonus to your Warding saves.

When you've chosen your class, roll for your Hit-Points as described.

You begin with the ability to Read Scripts.

Read Scripts

You can read directions, instructions, and similar writing in unfamiliar or even unknown languages.

Useful for reading magical writing (in scrolls and spellbooks).

Reading roughly a page of text requires 6 rounds or 1 minute. Each casting lasts 1 turn.


You begin with a background defining your secondary skills or history before becoming an adventurer.

Come up with your own, with the gamemaster's permission, or roll on the table.